In continuation with the series on design pattern, I am currently going through Behavioral Patterns. Today I will write about the Observer Pattern. You can read about rest of the patterns from the following links

  1. Strategy Pattern
  2. State Pattern
  3. Template Method Pattern
  4. Chain of Responsibility Pattern
  5. Command Pattern
  6. Iterator Pattern
  7. Mediator Pattern

You can read about the Structural patterns here.

You can read about the Creational patterns here.

The Observer pattern deals with providing a relation between objects such that when one objects changes its state, then all the other objects that have a relation to it are notified of the change. This could be achieved by using a single publisher of the state of object and many subscribers who may want the notification for the changed state.

The Observer is usually composed of 2 class viz. a Subject whose state may change periodically and the Observer itself who maybe notified of the change, if they wish to receive the state change information.

The following example is based on the example from Dofactory website

namespace PatternsConsole
    class ObserverPattern
        public delegate void ChangeEventHandler<TArg1, TArg2>(
            TArg1 sender,
            TArg2 eventArgs);

        public class ChangeEventArgs : EventArgs
            public string Title { get; set; }
            public string Name { get; set; }

            public ChangeEventArgs(
                string name,
                string title)
                Name = name;
                Title = title;


        // Subject
        class Blog
            public string Name { get; private set; }

            protected string title;

            // Constructor
            public Blog(
                string name,
                string title)
                Name = name;
                this.title = title;

            public event ChangeEventHandler<Blog, ChangeEventArgs> Change;

            public virtual void OnChange(
                ChangeEventArgs e)
                if (Change != null)

            public void Attach(
                IObserver observer)
                Change += observer.Update;

            public string Title
                    title = value;
                        new ChangeEventArgs(

        // Observer
        interface IObserver
            void Update(
                Blog sender,
                ChangeEventArgs e);

        // ConcreteObserver
        class Observer : IObserver
            public string Name { get; private set; }

            public Observer(
                string name)
                Name = name;

            public void Update(
                Blog sender,
                ChangeEventArgs e)
                    "Notified {0} of {1}'s " + "post : {2}",

        static void Main()
            var rob = new Blog(
                "Rob Conery",
                "Weke Road");
            rob.Attach(new Observer("Vinay"));
            rob.Title = "Subsonic 3";
            rob.Title = "Storefront Finis";
            rob.Title = "Oxite Refactor";
            //Output :
            // Notified Vinay of Rob Conery's post : Subsonic 3
            // Notified Vinay of Rob Conery's post : Storefront Finis
            // Notified Vinay of Rob Conery's post : Oxite Refactor

We can use the observer pattern when changes in one object needs to be propagated to other objects or when the object sending the changes does not need to know about the receivers.

In my next post I will be writing about the Visitor Pattern