This is the continuing post in a series of post on Design patterns. Presently we are going through the structural patterns. I will be writing about the composite pattern today. You can read about the other patterns from the following links

  1. Decorator Pattern
  2. Proxy Pattern
  3. Bridge Pattern

Composite pattern deals with providing a structure such that a single object ( component ) or a group of objects ( composite ) can be treated in the same way. This saves the caller of this composite from knowing the objects individually. Lets see an example.

public class CompositePattern
    public interface IComponent<T>
        string Name { get; set; }

        void Add(
            IComponent<T> component);

        void Remove(
            IComponent<T> component);

        void Display(
            int depth);

    public class Composite<T> : IComponent<T>
        public string Name { get; set; }
        private List<IComponent<T>> _list;

        public Composite(
            string name)
            Name = name;
            _list = new List<IComponent<T>>();

        public void Add(
            IComponent<T> component)

        public void Remove(
            IComponent<T> component)

        public void Display(
            int depth)
                new String(
                    depth) + Name + " | Length : " + _list.Count);
            foreach (IComponent<T> component in _list)
                component.Display(depth + 1);

    public class Component<T> : IComponent<T>
        public string Name { get; set; }

        public Component(
            string name)
            Name = name;

        //A component can not add on to itself, So show a freindly message
        public void Add(
            IComponent<T> component)
            throw new System.NotSupportedException("Can't add an item");

        //A component can not delete from itself, So show a freindly message
        public void Remove(
            IComponent<T> component)
            throw new System.NotSupportedException("Can't remvove an item");

        public void Display(
            int depth)
                new String(
                    depth) + Name);

    //Person stub
    public class Person

    private static void Main()
        IComponent<Person> group = new Composite<Person>("Group");
        group.Add(new Component<Person>("Person1"));
        group.Add(new Component<Person>("Person2"));
        IComponent<Person> subgroup = new Composite<Person>("SubGroup");
        subgroup.Add(new Component<Person>("Person2"));
        subgroup.Add(new Component<Person>("Person3"));
        //Output :
        //Group | Length : 3
        //-SubGroup | Length : 2

As you can see in the above example, “group” is a composite containing components of “person” but it might as well contain another composite which also contains components of “person”. You can use a composite pattern when you have to treat all objects in a composite in the same way or when the consumer is not bothered of all but the basic differences between individual object and their composite.

In my next post I will be talking about the Flyweight pattern.