In continuation with the series on design pattern, I am currently going through Behavioral Patterns. Today I will write about the Template Method Pattern. You can read about rest of the patterns from the following links

  1. Strategy Pattern
  2. State Pattern

You can read about the Structural patterns here.

You can read about the Creational patterns here.

The template method pattern deals with enabling algorithms to defer certain steps. It doesn’t change the structure of the algorithm but a few of their operations are handled elsewhere.

namespace PatternsConsole
    class TemplatePattern
        //Interface for operations
        interface ISortStrategy
            void Sort();

        //Algorithm with template method
        class Algorithm
            public void TemplateMethod(
                ISortStrategy sortStrategy)

        //Concrete Class
        class SortByAge : ISortStrategy
            public void Sort()
                    (p1, p2) => p1.Age.CompareTo(p2.Age));
                Console.WriteLine("Sort By Age");
                foreach (var person in PersonList)
                    Console.WriteLine("Name : " + person.Name + " Age :" + person.Age);

        //Concrete Class
        class SortByName : ISortStrategy
            public void Sort()
                    (p1, p2) => p1.Name.CompareTo(p2.Name));
                Console.WriteLine("\nSort By Name");
                foreach (var person in PersonList)
                    Console.WriteLine("Name : " + person.Name + " Age :" + person.Age);

        class Person
            public string Name { get; set; }
            public int Age { get; set; }

        private static List<Person> PersonList;

        private static void Main()
            PersonList = new List<Person>
                new Person {Name = "Person1", Age = 25},
                new Person {Name = "Person3", Age = 26},
                new Person {Name = "Person4", Age = 20},
                new Person {Name = "Person2", Age = 28}

            var sortAlgo = new Algorithm();
            sortAlgo.TemplateMethod(new SortByAge());
            //Output :  Sort By Age
            //          Name : Person4 Age :20
            //          Name : Person1 Age :25
            //          Name : Person3 Age :26
            //          Name : Person2 Age :28

            sortAlgo.TemplateMethod(new SortByName());
            //Output :  Sort By Name
            //          Name : Person1 Age :25
            //          Name : Person2 Age :28
            //          Name : Person3 Age :26
            //          Name : Person4 Age :20


We can use the template method pattern when common behavior can be outside the algorithm and the the behavior itself varies based on the type of the subclass.

In my next post I will be writing about the Chain of Responsibility pattern.