This is the continuing post in a series of post on Design patterns. Presently we are going through the structural patterns. I will be writing about the flyweight pattern today. You can read about the other patterns from the following links

  1. Decorator Pattern
  2. Proxy Pattern
  3. Bridge Pattern
  4. Composite Pattern

Flyweight pattern deals with sharing of common information in smaller objects used that are being used in large numbers. This can rescue  the storage necessities of these objects. The flyweight pattern deals with the internal and external state of the objects. What it helps in accomplishing is that the internal state can be shared across objects and external sate can be computed on the “fly”.

public class FlyweightPattern
    //Flyweight interface
    public interface IPersonFlyweight
        string FirstName { get; set; }
        string LastName { get; set; }
        string Address { get; set; }
        string Designation { get; set; }

        void Display(
            float salary);

    public class Person : IPersonFlyweight
        //Internal state
        public string FirstName { get; set; }
        public string LastName { get; set; }
        public string Address { get; set; }
        public string Designation { get; set; }

        public void Display(
            float salary)
                "Name : " + this.FirstName + ", Designation : " +
                this.Designation + ", Salary : " + salary);

        public override string ToString()
            return FirstName;

    public class Tester : Person
        public Tester()
            this.FirstName = "Tester";
            this.LastName = "Tester";
            this.Address = "Tester_Address";
            this.Designation = "Tester";

    public class Developer : FlyweightPattern.Person
        public Developer()
            this.FirstName = "Developer";
            this.LastName = "Developer";
            this.Address = "Developer_Address";
            this.Designation = "Developer";

    public class FlyweightFactory
        // Indexed list of IFlyweight objects
        Dictionary<string, FlyweightPattern.IPersonFlyweight> _flyweights =
            new Dictionary<string, FlyweightPattern.IPersonFlyweight>();

        public FlyweightFactory()

        public FlyweightPattern.Person this[
            string index]
                if (!_flyweights.ContainsKey(index))
                    _flyweights[index] = new FlyweightPattern.Person();

                return _flyweights[index] as FlyweightPattern.Person;

    private static void Main()
        //List of person objects containing a Tester and a Developer object
        FlyweightPattern.Person[] personList = new FlyweightPattern.Person[]
            new FlyweightPattern.Tester(), new Developer()

        //shared state
        FlyweightFactory people = new FlyweightFactory(); //external state

        float salary = 50000;
        foreach (var person in personList)
            if (person is FlyweightPattern.Tester)
                FlyweightPattern.Person p = people[person.ToString()];
                //Output : Name : Tester, Designation : Tester, Salary : 50000
                FlyweightPattern.Person p = people[person.ToString()];
                person.Display(salary + 5000);
                //Output : Name : Developer, Designation : Developer, Salary : 55000


The flyweight pattern is used when we have many objects that may be memory intensive “and” the sate of these objects can be computed at runtime.

In my next post I will talking about the Adapter pattern.